Friday, June 3, 2011

The Stinky Truth about Antiperspirant

GOOD Health just published this helpful article about why antiperspirant is bad for you. Really bad. Even if only some of the potential risks turn out to be as bas as they sound, it's probably worth considering an alternative.

Which is distressing, because there are few things that gross me out about my body more than sweaty armpits. I hate hate HATE the feeling of damp pits. And the sneaking suspicion that YOU are the stinky person that everyone is scooting away from on the Metra on the ride home.

I got this little trial size of Alba Botanica deodorant to try:

Which I'm excited to try next week, because the women's deodorant they recommend in the GOOD Health article (La Vanila) is EIGHTEEN DOLLARS per stick.



Could I just make some myself?  Well, that will be my next trick. My friend Kathi has made her own anti-stink sticks, and thinks they work pretty well. If the Alba doesn't do the trick, I will be your home made deodorant guinea pig.


  1. I just switched to Tom's of Maine - I'm not sure.... I think it is good in the beginning but by the end of the day, I'm sure I stink. I'm so scared about the wet pits because I'm sweat - a lot. Like ridiculous quart sizes. Let me know how it goes.

  2. I make my own and LOVE it! It might be kind of expensive to make if you don't have a good source for coconut oil at a good price. But this recipe lasts awhile. Although its not a antiperspirant. I've also tried those crystals.
