I love Earth. Like, really love it. The astounding beauty of flowers blooming, of sunlight sparkling in the trees, of waves splashing on Lake Michigan. I believe that we are charged with the great responsibility caring for this beautiful world while we enjoy all the awesome things that Earth has to offer. But I realize that that is easier said than done, and that throwing my yogurt cup into the recycling bin is just one snowflake on the tip of the iceberg.
Maybe we've got enough to worry about without lying awake at night fretting about carbon footprints. But the more I learned about the all the scary chemicals used to make most of the things that I buy (and eat, and slather on my skin), the more I realized that doing the best thing for my body and my home was probably also going to do better by the planet. Win-win!
So for the "Green" portion of this experiment, I will be focusing on these main ideas:
- Remember that I "vote" with my purchases - if I want to see safer, greener products that walk the walk, I have to buy them (or not buy, as the case my be).
- Choose compassion over consumption - Who made this? Were animals involved? Who and what does it impact?.
- I have the luxury of Choice - I can choose to live a life of abundance and authenticity rather than a life of acquisition and apathy.
- Scrutinize purchases against the values of a healthy life, heart, and planet.
This blog will develop some ideas of practical greening for your body, home, and neighborhood. It is a work in progress. I imagine there will be as many FAILS as successes, but you never know until you give it a go.