Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Chocolate Scandal Part 2 - Make the Call!

Every once in a while, a chance to actually DO something about a social ill that puts our undies in a twist kind of falls in our laps.

I've seriously SERIOUSLY been on a chocolate mission since I read about the extensive use of child labor (which some would even call child slavery) in most commercial cocoa production. You can read my original rant here.  But besides just seeking Fair Trade chocolate for my quick fix, I didn't really do much research about how to actually advocate for change. Because I am lazy.

But today, this headline came to me from the Twittersphere:

Call Hershey Today to Fight Child Labor and Trafficking

Yes! I can do that. They even have a script all worked up for you, including responses for when you get fed the party line about the little bitty baby steps they are going to claim they are already taking to be more socially responsible. Check out the article on Change.Org -

I'm at work, so I haven't actually called Hershey about this yet. But I DID sign their petition to urge Hershey to get with the program and go Fair Trade. And I included a strongly worded personal message in the petition text. And may have mentioned that I have a blog, and that I'm not afraid to use it...

Anyways, if it hurts your heart to know that your s'mores or mini Snickers or Special Dark with almonds was produced by exploited, desperate little kids, at least take 5 seconds and sign the petition. Make a call.

Do it. And tell your friends.

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