Thursday, June 2, 2011

June Gray Progress Report

Happy June!

My hair is a hot mess these days - split ends, wavy, mostly air-dried and crazy looking. But I keep getting compliments on it, so I'm going to try to relax and go with it.

I'm thinking about cutting some long bangs, just to give it some shape. The texture is changing, both from the gray and from the natural shampoos and stuff I have been using (still haven't gone "no 'poo"). I like the texture, but it is definitely NOT Pantene Luxe. It is only shiny when I go for a day or so without washing it. Oil-slick style. It is moderately soft (softest on aforementioned unwashed days). And it doesn't swing beautifully in the breeze or cause you to want to reach out and touch it. I used to have hair like that. In high school. No, really, I did. Soft, mahogany hair that I would roll up into hot rollers so I could have these huge bouncy coils of shiny hair. I loved my high school hair. Sigh.

Les told me out of the blue last night that he really likes my "multicolored" hair, and that he thinks the natural wavy, unkempt look is pretty. That means a lot to me, since I was afraid he would decide that I am starting to slide down the hill into the abyss of unattractiveness.

True Confession: Despite the fact that I really want to get some bangs or something, I actually really do LOVE my hair so far. Most days. I get self conscious about it, and I still feel slightly compelled to tell everyone that I am doing this experiment so they do not look askance at me, but most days I really like the wavy craziness of it. And the silvery streaks.

Never would have expected that.

1 comment:

  1. Jill, I really like your hair, although I don't know you with anything different.

    I have to tell you, since I discovered your blog, I've decided to let you be the guinea pig for the whole going-gray-at-33 thing. If I like your hair, I'm going to follow suit. :) Maybe I'll start in December on my 34th - 12/13/11 has some numeric coolness, don't you think?

    Thanks for sharing!
