Sunday, October 9, 2011


Ugh! Eating vegan is hard! Not that it is not good and awesome and everything like that. But so far I have managed an average of 1-2 vegan meals per day. I have had only one FULLY vegan day so far, and I'm barely a week into it. Yesterday and today were total flops.

Here's what kills me:


Yes, there are tasty vegan options to be had when eating out, but they are fewer and farther between (even in Chicago) than many of us can reasonably plan on when going out with friends on the weekends. And I have not been organized enough this week/weekend to cook balanced vegan fare. I've ended up with weird odds and ends that leave me a little hungry, which is then quickly remedied when seeking out the crucial next meal. Often purchased on the fly. And this weekend, almost entirely un-vegan. (Still veg, of course, but cheese-laden and egg-tacular).


I set my sights on a new week, and plan "grocery shopping" into my to-do list.

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