Monday, October 10, 2011

Say it Ain't So, Anthro!

The Good Guide tweeted this link today that ranks 182 apparel brands based on their "Good Guide" metrics of social, environmental, and health impact. Their overview page says this about the ratings:
Our highest rated apparel brands work closely with their supply chains to improve working conditions and minimize environmental impacts. The best brands disclose the identity of their suppliers, audit how they perform on labor issues and make public the steps they take to respond to violations. They also design their products using life cycle principles and educate consumers about how to reduce impacts. Our lowest rated apparel brands are made by companies that are not focused on improving working conditions or reducing environmental impacts across their supply chain.
Thank you, Good Guide, for yet again doing the research that I was way too lazy to conduct. This ranking list has some good news, and some bad news.

Good news! - You do not have to spend a zillion dollars to buy more-responsible clothing! In fact, H&M and Old Navy ranked higher on their rating scale than dear old J.Crew.

Bad News! - Spending some extra cashola for "less cheap" clothes because you assume that only the bargain brands cut corners is a bad idea. Anthropology's spendy boho chic brand ranks NEAR THE BOTTOM of the Good Guide ratings, despite being the most expensive brand I've ever convinced myself to spend money on. Worst offender on their list? Anything by Ralph Lauren. Booooooooo expensive designers! And shame on you!

Now, I'm all for buying things second hand, making your own stuff, or swapping with friends (Co-conspirator Jackie hosted a neighborhood clothing swap this weekend that was a super success!), but sometimes you just need/want a new dress. Or shoes. Or 4th gray sweater. This list is a helpful tool in making choosier choices.

Gulp. Is it time to unsubscribe from JCrew and Anthro email lists?
Or maybe it's just time to bust out the sewing machine and use their emails as inspiration, because fall fashion is tormenting me from catalogs and shop windows everywhere I look.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness the Gap is on there in a good way! And thanks for sharing. In a way, I'm kind of relieved to learn that Anthro isn't "all that." Makes it easier to resist the prices... :)
