Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Giving Thanks for Change

I'm actually not a big fan of change. I usually endure it rather than embrace it, and sometimes that enduring is pretty ungraceful. But today I'm giving thanks for some Big Changes in my life.

I was offered and accepted a new job with Habitat for Humanity of Wake County in Raleigh, NC. I'm thankful for this unexpected opportunity to dive back into an organization I love and respect. I'm thankful that Les is excited, that we have a couple of friends out there already, and I'm thankful for the chance to start fresh in a new adventure. I'm thankful that the conversation of giving my resignation to my boss went smoothly, and that our interactions since then have been positive. I'm thankful that I am 85% excited and only 15% weepy (today).

Then there are all the nostalgic gratitudes I could start listing: I'm thankful for 10 and a half years in a ridiculously beautiful city. I'm thankful for the friends that have become my family, and for living within a couple of miles of my actual relatives for all these ups and downs of years. I'm thankful for Lake Michigan. And green space, and the most dazzling skyline I've ever seen (seriously, if you haven't driven south on Lake Shore Drive at sunrise, you simply MUST. DO. IT. Who knew that skyscrapers can turn so blazing pink?). And I'm thankful for all the ways that God has shaped and stretched and nurtured and prepared me (us) to take this leap away from the known and comfortable and into a new chapter. I feel like I need training wheels. But actually, I know that what I really needed was a good shove.

So that's the news around these parts! Thankfulness Thankfulness. Deep breaths, prayer, and faith. Good stuff.


  1. wow! just wow! i think they were impressed by your silver-streaked hair (obvious sign of wisdom) and green sensibility. guess your 33rd year really is a year of change and growth! congratulations!

  2. Congratulations, Jill! Sounds very exciting. There is nothing quite like up and moving far away. It is an adventure for sure and you will change and grow as a result. I love the south!!
