Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Day to Give Thanks

Holy Moley, do I have a lot to be thankful for. The list keeps getting longer and longer, the friends and the hugging and the food and the good-byes keep getting sweeter and dearer. It is a pretty intense year for Giving Thanks. Leaving so many incredible people and places and pizzas makes giving thanks for all the good gifts around us every day even more of a no-brainer.

Here are some photo highlights of just a few of what I am thanking God for:

Big lattes with mountains of foam

sweet friends who have known me a LONG time

Chocolate in all its glorious forms

No Shave November, my darling husband, and dear Hooney Husband Eric, who rocks a beard

Beautiful, inspiring, dear dear friends

Friends to do life with, laugh with, and give Thanks with

Cows. I am seriously obsessed. I want a pet cow SO badly. I am thankful that these cows look pretty happy.

Sunset in the farmland
I'm thankful for where I grew up
Mom's Frye boots
Cutest. Dog. Ever.

We had Thanksgiving Lunch at my aunt's today, and of course I ate until my stomach spilled over the top of my stretchy pants. We stopped by the family house to get the stuff that I would like to take with us to Raleigh (grandma's china set, some antique tablecloths, a set of awesome wooden folding chairs), and I stopped to take some pictures of the farmland at sunset. We have such a great family, and I know how rare it is to have a room full of 40 people who are related to each other and have them all love and even like each other. I am thankful. For our health, for adventures and new babies and new jobs and for getting by and smiling, for new gadgets and toddling kiddos and gifted treasures. I am SO thankful. My heart is going to burst.

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love endure forever.

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