Monday, September 26, 2011

Dehydration - Not So Bad When You're a Tomato, by guest blogger Tammia

Tammia brings us Food Preservation Part 2 - Dehydrating!

I'll admit it. I've got a problem, a food preservation problem. In one day I canned 5 quarts of tomatoes, made 16 jars of blackberry jam, 1 quart of sauce, pickled 2 quarts of onions, and dehydrated a quart of cherry tomatoes. Since that's a lot to cover in one post, let's break it down into bite sized pieces. "Sun-dried" bite sized pieces.
First, you'll need a huge load of tomatoes, salt and pepper, a bunch of basil, and a dehydrator.
I borrowed my dehydrator from a friend of mine that has TWO. She's a food preserving bad ass.
If you don't own one, you can buy one for about $40 (the dehydrator, not the badass friend - she's priceless).

One Huge Load of Tomatoes

Step 1:  Clean and halve all the tomatoes.
Tomato bath.
Step 2: Clean out all the seeds. A spoon could be used, but it's so much easier to just use your fingers. 
Scoop out the seedy guts.
Step 3: rinse, dry and chop basil. toss the cleaned out tomato halves with kosher salt, pepper and basil.  
Step 4: Place the tomatoes skin side down on the dehydrator trays.
ooooh pretty!
Step 5: allow to dehydrate completely - about 8 hours/overnight.
Dried Up Tomatoes!

Step 6: Place in a clean dry jar and use in salads, soups, pasta sauce, pizza...the uses are endless. I tend to just eat them straight out of the jar, they're so delicious!
Dessicated tomato-y goodness
 Thanks for this great post, Tammia! I LOVE dried tomatos, and I put them in everything, especially egg sandwhiches and omelets!


  1. Do you refrigerate the jar or are they fine to just leave on your pantry shelf? And what is their shelf life? Inquiring minds want to know (as a peruse Craig's list for a dehydrator).

  2. I keep them in a jar in my pantry - but I put a silica packet in the jar to keep moisture to a minimum (being in the pacific NW makes that an issue). They rarely stick around for more than a month because we use them so fast - but I've had some from a friends batch that had been around for 6 months. Still tasty!

    - tammia
