OhMyGoodness, I am SO Excited! I came across this post today on Design Sponge, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up... it was like someone in the blogosphere has been READING MY MIND!
After much hand-wringing and head-scratching, I have been a bit vexed about how best to enjoy my needed caffeinated jolt and the marital benefits of sharing a morning coffee habit with my hubs, while cutting out the artificial flavor crap and loads of sugar I still need to make it drinkable.
I haven't always been a coffee drinker. The first time I ever went to Starbucks more than twice a year (one pumpkin-spiced latte and one non-fat, no-whip peppermint mocha) was in grad school, when my clinical supervisor at the hospital liked to treat me to a "hot beverage" every once in a while. She loved Starbucks, and I really wanted to go on these casual little field trips with her, so I had to start being more adventurous with the menu. I was afraid she would be unhappy if she paid $3 for me to drink a hot tea I could have made myself for free in the break room. I started branching out into flavored latte land on our little coffee breaks. Soon, I was hooked on the "skinny vanilla latte" - espresso, skim milk, and sugar-free vanilla syrup.
It's not that espresso is so bad for me. Or skim milk, really, even though I am now moving my way into almond milk or maybe even oat milk (watch for a future post about the various "non-milk milks" out there). But the syrup. Oh, the delicious syrup that makes all that burnt-coffee bitterness so drinkable. I have tried plain lattes, without the syrup, and I just end up dumping packets of sugar into them. Not a great swap.
The whole global coffee/fair trade/social justice considerations of a java habit will have to wait for a future post. But for now, let's just rejoice that someone else has taken the time to figure out some natural flavor options for your daily cuppa.
Now I have even MORE incentive to get a proper travel coffee mug: I can mix up my home-brewed flavored concoction, pour in some almond milk, and take it with me every day. Genius. I am so excited about this.
And when I get home from work today, I'll post this week's Friday Face Off. Just as soon as I decide what to write.
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