Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Graying Along

So it has been almost 2 months without any dye, and here's how the center part is coming along.  It is kind of like watching plants grow. I watch my roots spread in the mirror as though I were tracking the progress of a sprout I started from seed. 

I saw a dear friend this weekend who I hadn't seen in person in a very long time. She's been reading the blog, and told me that she was surprised that the gray was not more noticeable. Then I finger-combed my hair into a center part and tipped my head down for her. Then she saw something more like the picture above. She commended me for taking the plunge, and said she thought it looked great.

Thanks, Rachel dear. I've actually gotten a couple of compliments on the silvery streaks so far. Les wishes I could just halt the process right now and keep my subtle, somewhat hidden stripes along with the rest of my brown hair. I told him that the blogosphere would have none of that.

I saw a young woman with a short salt-and-pepper pixie cut this morning, and I wanted to give her a high-5. She is definitely the youngest person I have seen so far to rock the "I'm under 30 and I'm going gray" look. Honestly, she looked more like 22. If I could pull off the 80s spike, I would give it a try.

Hair color is a big part of our identity, though. When Rachel and I were out this weekend with our other friend Jill, we managed to convince her that she is, in fact, a redhead. Which was news to Jill.  Sort of like Les insisting that he has brown hair.  I'll give him "dark blond", but he does not look like a brunette to me. I guess hair color is in the eye of the beholder too!

I don't think my brown is dark enough to constitute "salt and pepper", so can I just go with "mink" or "silver dusted"?  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Silver dusted sounds lovely! And yes, be encouraged! You look great!

    Rachel M
