Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Healthy Lunch FAIL

It only looks tasty.
Les came home with a 1LB package of soba noodles (Japanese buckwheat noodles) last week, and their addition to our pantry inspired me to dig through my ideas-torn-out-of-magazines binder for the soba noodle salad recipe I had saved from Women's Health a few months ago.

It has all kinds of good things in it, including orange juice, edamame, carrots, and sesame seed oil. I picked up an orange and some scallions at the grocery store last week, and looked forward to what I thought would be a quick toss-together healthy meal. Plus, it made 4 servings! Plenty to eat for dinner, save for work lunch, and give some to Jackie and/or save for Les.

I started prepping around 7 last night, snacking on string cheese with Auggie and nibbling carrot nubs as I shredded 5 carrots into wispy strips. By the time I was done shredding veggies, whisking dressing, cooking noodles and edamame, grating orange zest and then juicing the orange, I was famished. And it was 8:30. And then I read these dreaded words, which I apparently missed when I scanned the instructions the first time: Allow to chill at least 30 minutes before eating for the flavors to mingle.

Grrrrrr.... I toasted an English Muffin and shoved the covered bowl into the fridge. Cheese and muffin for dinner it is!

So I was really REALLY looking forward to tucking into my hard-earned superhealthy lunch today now that it had had 16 hours to mix and mingle.

I dove in, started chewing, and waited and waited to taste something.  Here's what I tasted: Wheaty, chewy noodles with orange juice and soy sauce.


I picked out a few dainty edamame, stirred it around again, and gave it a few more bites. But it was a no-go. And now I am lunch-less and hungry, so I will have to go out in search of edible food. AND I have a big bowl of leftovers in the fridge that will sadly end up in the garbage.

The soy-milk/whole wheat/oatmeal/blueberry muffins I made this weekend fared much better. They look pretty stumpy and weird in photos, though, so they didn't get their own post. Win some/Lose some.

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