Saturday, January 28, 2012

January Gray Hair Update, very late

Hooray hooray, we're just a week away from internet at home! That means much more timely updates and regular blog postings. January is almost over, and I'm just now finally getting a good pic of me and the gray update. Les took this picture of me outside the NC Museum of Art (a surprisingly AWESOME free museum with a whole room full of Rodins. Swoon.) last week.

As you can see, I've got a lovely stripe and cascade of hombre-hued gray goin' on. I like it. BTW, did you see that Kelly Osbourne has dyed her hair gray? On purpose? I had read a few months ago that some big-time fashion blogger in her 20s has started dying her hair platinum silver, and that celebrities and wanna-bes across the US have followed her lead. Whatever. I can't even get on board with a trend like that, because mine is 100% natural. Maybe by next year you'll be able to buy "Chrome" or "Aluminum" colored hair dye at Target! Be on the lookout!

And just in case you don't read the AugBlog (written by G3 Editor-in-Chief Auggie), here's a repeat of the snap I took of the Editor and myself in the car last week. So you can get an idea of how the gray is weaving its way into my bangs and stuff.

The grain-free diet is going pretty well so far. If by "well" I mean that I am hungry all the stinkin' time but feel so so soooooo much better. I tried to "untest" both wheat and rice last week, and the results were not pretty. Literally. My face broke out and the GI issues returned immediately. Looks like I'm going to be a paleo-vegetarian. Hm. Maybe I could write a cookbook?

The new apartment will be much more amenable to cooking, and I am super psyched to try some new recipes. Follow along as I try to get all the nutrients I need on a crazy-restricted diet! Whoo-hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill!
    I'm glad grain free is helping you. I've been grain free (mostly) for a couple of years and it has been the best thing for my acne. I can do some spelt or kamut if I grind it at home and soak it in an acid medium, but that is a lot of trouble, so we focus on meats and veggies. We eat a lot of good, clean meats straight from the farms of central Illinois! One thing I learned is that being grain free for a long time can cause magnesium deficiency. I just made some magnesium oil and it has been awesome!
