Monday, February 28, 2011

Rejoice and Be Glad! Sometimes I stink at that.

Psalm 96:11 

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
   let the sea resound, and all that is in it.

It sure seemed like the heavens were rejoicing today as I stood on a sunny sidewalk, eyes closed and turned up towards the first warm sun I have felt in a very long time. I thanked God for some warmth and bright sunlight, and for the cup of Argo tea I was clutching. (Adorable disposable cups are hard to resist. Must. Buy. Travel mug!)

But overall, geez Louise, have I been a grouch lately! Why is it so hard to just be glad and thankful, especially when I have SO MUCH to be thankful for? It's so easy to criticize, whine, find fault, and nit pick. To take for granted. To stay indoors and feel sorry for myself.

The Bible is full of great imagery about the earth, and loads of poetic descriptions of trees, animals, oceans, and even rocks shouting about how great God is. We humans could take some cues from nature. If you read very far into the Bible, you'll see plenty of tales of people forgetting that God is good and faithful. So on days like today, when I suddenly realize that I'm being a tremendous brat, it's helpful to remember that all of creation is giving thanks and it's time for me to join the party.

I really like the idea of the heavens rejoicing, the earth being glad, and the sea resounding (and everything in it). I picture stars and clouds and beams of bright sunlight singing and giving each other high-5s, the earth whistling while it nudges some spring flower bulbs to start moving.  The sea splashing happily while clown fish and manta rays whirl around under the surf.

Anyway, all this to say that the Grace that surrounds me sometimes takes more work to notice than my gray roots or the recycling bin. But that doesn't mean it is not there every single day. Even days that I am busy being a brat.

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