Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No Day But Today

Today's the day! The one year experiment has officially begun. I have pages and pages of notebook full of ideas, topics, questions, and stories to get this thing started. If you have any pressing conundrums for me to research, an eco product for me to test-drive, or any cool websites or blogs for me to add to the link list, please send them my way!

It's only 10am on the first day of the experiment, and I've already flubbed one of the most basic, simplest changes I've committed to make: I'm sipping a latte out of a paper cup with a plastic lid. At least the cup snuggie is made from 100% post-consumer recycled material...

Grabbed on my way home from the polls on this election day morning!

But that's how the best laid plans tend to go for me. And besides, if I had everything all consistent and perfect on the first day of the experiment, I don't think that would make for very exciting blog reading, now would it?

How am I going to celebrate this momentous occasion? The blog launch and my birthday? Well, for one thing, I took the day off so that Les and I could have a date day in the city for my birthday. I have to take the Blog Editor in Chief to the vet for his quarterly blood tests, but then Les and I will reconvene for a veg-tastic late lunch at a  Rick Bayless restaurant I have been wanting to try, and then we'll go to the Chicago Cultural Center to see the Vivian Maier photo exhibit.

Hopefully I can sneak in some yoga this afternoon, and then Les and I are going to go to attempt to gather the necessary ingredients and base pantry items for the next week of our healthy eating challenge AND spend less than $100 doing it. Think we can make it? I'm not so sure, but we're going to give it the old college try. I'll let you know what we come up with. I imagine it will be like a game show. As long as we get to come home and make a from-scratch winter veggie pizza and drink some wine, I will consider it a successful birthday adventure.

Coming up tomorrow (Or later today, depending on how things pan out): Going Gray Phase 1. Or, How to Pretend You Don't Notice That Your Roots are Ridiculous.

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