Monday, June 11, 2012

You Win Some, You Lose Some. Or Why You Should Never Ask Me for Gardening Advice.

I decided it was about time to check in on my little garden for an update. It ain't so pretty.

For reference, here's the shot I took last month when I had just happily plunked my little plants into the vertical garden:

So cute, so green, so promising!

Well, friends, some combo of too much/too little water, too much/too little sun has turned my plump little basils into these straggly yellow miscreants.

They're still kickin', but I'm less hopeful that they will live to see themselves star in my "Totally Made From Scratch Tomato Basil Mozzarella salad" (yes, my plan is to make my own mozzarella from scratch to see that dream come true).

But speaking of tomatoes, I was delighted to come home from a long weekend away to see this little baby hanging out all round and chubby-cheeked when I returned!

Is it normal for your tomato plant to have only ONE tomato on it after several months? Don't get me wrong - I grew this little baby FROM A SEED, and I will eat it like it is the Most Amazing Tomato That Has Ever Been Grown. Because after it's inauspicious start, it will definitely be that incredible to me. 

Anyway, tomato baby is looking good. The green beans, on the other hand, have had their leaves chewed off and are sporting only ONE faintly green-bean-looking appendage:

It looks like I'm going to be making a pretty pathetic garden melange. Contents: One green bean, some droopy basil, and a cherry tomato. 

Even my mint, which I hear is supposed to grow like a weed, is suffering under my unskilled gardening thumb:

 Great. I kill weed-herbs too. I rock.

Besides my hopeful tomato, the only other plant that seems to have inexplicably thrived with me at the helm so far is.... drum roll.....

The Lemon Tree! Hooray! It's bursting with lovely pink blossoms just waiting to open up and get all good and pollinated by some of our frisky neighborhood bees. It's like prom season over here. My little girl is getting dressed up in her flirty frocks to bat her eye lashes and get smooched by some eager pollinators. That visual quickly turns my lemon tree into a trollop when I try to make the leap to her producing some sweet lemons, so I'll just end it right there.

So, this little porch garden is full of hope, pathetic vegetables, pink blossoms, and some too dry/too wet herbs. And it is still my favorite place in North Caroline so far.

Suggestions welcome for my brown-thumbed failures.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you make me laugh! I love you! "Great I kill weed-herbs. I rock." And don't be too hard on yourself because I think 105 temps kill everything - We are going to be lucky to get anything... I had two amazing bell peppers that I was so excited about because peppers are the bane of my gardening efforts and the sun scorched them to a crispy brown dried lumps.
