Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stress Junk

Some people "stress eat" when they feel twitchy and angsty. So do I, actually, but most of my preferred comfort foods are grain-based, so the discomfort associated with eating them sort of takes all the fun out of that bad habit. I guess I "stress waste" and "stress toxify" when I'm wigging out, which, let's face it, has been much of the time since we moved.

Making good choices and eschewing waste and avoiding toxic junk is HARD WORK. And when I'm stressed I just feel like I don't care. I do things I don't even want to do.


Reviving my Diet Coke relationship. I had been fairly soft drink-free for quite a while (LaCroix fizzy water not included), but now I have one from the pop machine almost every day. Yes, I said pop. You can take the girl out of the Midwest but you... Anyway.

Diet Coke. In a single serving, toxin-loaded can (yes, even highly recyclable pop cans are coated with BPA).  Something about the cold beverage and the caffeine. Even (gasp!) not bothering to bring the Sock Bottle with me to Starbucks for my latte fix. Not even a once in a while. Give me the cup. The paper one, with the #6 plastic lid and the corrugated cardboard sleeve. Just give it to me! I need it.

Or maybe I need some Online shopping. Or to go to Target "just to walk around and look at things".


On Thursday I went to a yoga class for the first time in over 8 months. I am still sore. But that happy kind of sore that reminds you that your body can do some pretty amazing things. AND it reminded me that getting back into healthy habits can be painful, but the payoff is big. Photos remind me that I used to be pretty fit, and yoga and running made that happen not sitting around and whining.

So it is almost June, and I need a goal to work towards to stay focused. Baby steps are called for. I'm going to start with this: NO soda for the month of June. Yoga at least once a week. Calling a friend instead of driving to Target.

We'll see how that goes while I try to keep my garden alive, get our apartment ready for out of town guests, and keep my cool when stressed.

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